Saturday, January 25, 2020

La Legalización De La Cultivación De Cocaína en Bolivia

La Legalizacià ³n De La Cultivacià ³n De Cocaà ­na en Bolivia Hasta quà © punto pueden las decisiones de Evo Morales en cuanto a la legalizacià ³n de la cultivacià ³n de cocaà ­na en Bolivia ser justificados? Últimamente, los problemas asociados con el uso y venta de la coca y su derivativa, la cocaà ­na, se han aumentado en Latina Amà ©rica. Los paà ­ses de Repà ºblica Dominicana, Chile, Mà ©xico y Bolivia, entre otros, se han sufrido a las manos de las leyes internacionales, y, en otro lado, a las manos de los vendedores de la planta. Bolivia es uno de los paà ­ses mà ¡s grandes de Latinoamericana, aunque uno de los mà ¡s pobres. Tiene una poblacià ³n grande de obreros y en los à ºltimos aà ±os se ha experimentado tendencias a un partido socialista. Evo Morales, una figura importante en el à ¡mbito socio-polà ­tico en Bolivia, ha hecho un enorme esfuerzo en re-escribir las leyes sobre el uso de la droga. Este hombre ha estado en primer lugar en muchas luchas contra el ex-gobierno boliviano. Ayudà ³ en derrocar el gobierno en 2002 y en las elecciones casi ganà ³ en una victoria sorprendida. El 22 de enero de 2006 el dicho hombre se convirtià ³ en presidente de Bolivia. Se ha hizo en un hà ©roe para los campesinos bolivianos. Este hombre ha puesto muchas personas nerviosas con su inexperiencia polà ­tica en un paà ­s con una historia inestable que incluye a los Estados Unidos. Lo importante es que Evo Morales se representa como una persona del pueblo, de lo indà ­gena. Por este hombre, las personas pueden entenderse las identidades, en sus costumbres, algo tan concurrente en la vida latinoamericana. Bolivia siempre ha jugado un papel importante dentro de industria droguera. En el aà ±o 1989 un juez alemà ¡n declarà ³ que era en contra de los derechos humanos legalizar el consumo de sustancias que pueden ser peligrosas. Es el derecho de cada persona decidirse lo que quiera hacer con si misma. El ser humano tiene el derecho de hacer lo que quiera si no afecta a otra persona negativamente. En Bolivia, siempre ha sido una mata para la medicina y los campesinos bolivianos continà ºan a usar la coca como sustancia medicinal y relajante. Se dicen que reduce el hambre y el cansancio, y en un paà ­s de tanta pobreza, la gente se ve como algo de necesidad no de lujo. Se ve el uso de la coca como una extensià ³n de las leyes sobre los derechos humanos. Ademà ¡s, la cultivacià ³n de la planta ha producido una migracià ³n al à ¡rea boliviano llamado y ha dado empleo a muchos campesinos. Ha impactado mucho en el estado econà ³mico del paà ­s (ver apà ©ndice 1) que en 1987 llegà ³ a unos tres mil millones de dà ³lares estadounidenses y es un fuente de e mpleo de quizà ¡ unos 500,000 personas. Para los campesinos bolivianos es un beneficio natural de alto valor que significa una mejor calidad de vida para ellos. Segà ºn Nicholas Hopkinson en su artà ­culo, Fighting Drugs: Trafficking in the Ameritas and Europe, la industria droguera (y narcotraficante) es la mà ¡s grande despuà ©s de la explotacià ³n de las armas. La de cocaà ­na se valora a unos 150 billones de dà ³lares estadounidenses al aà ±o. (Pà ¡gina 1). Por supuesto, hay muchos que està ©n en contra de la cultivacià ³n de la coca y la llamen lo mismo que narcotrà ¡fico, lo que resulta en una industria ilegal que ayuda sà ³lo a los dueà ±os agrà ­colas de la coca. En realidad mucho del dinero ganado en la produccià ³n de la coca no llega a los labradores sino a los dueà ±os. Ademà ¡s, los enfrentamientos de los productores se han resultado en mà ¡s de cien muertos sà ³lo en el aà ±o 2003. Mientras que el gobierno ver la necesidad de tener, por lo menos, una mediana hectà ¡rea por cada familia para ayudar a la poblacià ³n, tambià ©n el gobierno ha continuado el rà ©gimen represivo contra las cultivacià ³n de los cocaleros. Otros factores en contra incluyen la dificultad en controlar la cultivacià ³n del producto y el aumento de la tasa de crà ­menes dentro del paà ­s y en otros paà ­ses asociados. ‘Funcionarios entrevistados por GAO expresaron ademà ¡s su preocupacià ³n por que los narcotraficantes han cambiado de rutas tanto en el Pacà ­fico como en el Caribe, antes de llegar con sus mercancà ­as a Centroamà ©rica y Mà ©xico, lo cual amplà ­a el campo de vigilancia’. Asimismo, pueden invocar problemas del salud mental entre otros. La cultivacià ³n de la coca ha replicado muchos efectos destructivos para el medio ambiente. En 1997 el gobierno boliviano intentà ³ erradicar la los cultivos de la coca, gracias a un programa financiera de los Estados Unidos. ‘En el perà ­odo analizado por el estudio (2000-2005) el gobierno de EEUU ha entregado $6,000 millones a Colombia y otros paà ­ses de la regià ³n para la lucha antinarcà ³ticos, el desarrollo de soluciones alternativas y reformas judiciales’. En este mismo aà ±o Evo Morales, durante una entrevista con la BBC la dijo, ‘Nunca se van a deshacer de la hoja de coca. Defenderemos a la hoja de coca. La lucha contra la coca es un pretexto para que Estados Unidos domine a Amà ©rica Latina, para que domine a nuestro pueblo, para que viole nuestra soberanà ­a’. Segà ºn Evo Morales, esa produccià ³n no es ilegal debido al hecho que no produce la cocaà ­na, sino sà ³lo produce una industria de la cultivacià ³n de la coca. Aunque existe la ley 1008 (del aà ±o 1988) que pretende controlar la cultivacià ³n y por eso el trà ¡fico de la cocaà ­na, parece que es posible leer la ley en una manera para quienquiera la necesita. Aunque los estados internacionales la consideran algo con que se puede penalizar, muchos prefieren continuar el uso como derecho humano. Segà ºn a muchos cientà ­ficos, es difà ­cil entender los efectos negativos de la coca. En Bolivia, muchos de los indios que consumen la hoja para razones tradicionales o medicinales tambià ©n sufren de otros problemas. Segà ºn Lester Grinspoon y James B. Bakalar, es difà ­cil definir los efectos debido a otros variables en el à ¡rea, por ejemplo, el alcoholismo, desempleo, etc. En mi juicio, hasta que los gobiernos y los ONG internacionales deciden modificar la ley y ponerla mà ¡s clara, no hay la posibilidad de controlar la coca. Es una sustancia con un uso tradicional para muchas personas, no sà ³lo en Bolivia, sino en muchos paà ­ses. Es un costumbre anciano que tiene poco que ver con los narcotraficantes. Sin embargo, con el uso personal viene el peligro del abuso de dicha planta. A la otra mano, si la pone totalmente ilegalizada, el valor de la cual subirà ¡ sin cesar. Es el sustento de muchas personas que la necesitan para la oportunidad de trabajar. Sin ella el impacto econà ³mico para un paà ­s ya sufriente le hace aà ºn peor. Un paà ­s subdesarrollado, del tercer mundo, hasta las narices en deudas nacionales se va a morir. Econà ³micamente y polà ­ticamente, Bolivia no le encuentra en una situacià ³n para reforzar las leyes que prohà ­ben la mejor oportunidad de tener una vida mejor para las personas bolivianas. Para Evo Morales, aunque sus ideas y deseos pueden ser pocos idealistas, tiene la justificacià ³n bastante para legalizar la cultivacià ³n de la coca. Para los cocaleros y los demà ¡s del paà ­s es primordial que tiene este trabajo para apoyar a la poblacià ³n. Sea cuà ¡l sea los aspectos negativos que son creados gracias al valor de la mata, es cierto que no se puede negar los alimentos y necesidades bà ¡sicas de un pueblo entero. Apà ©ndice 1. Paà ­s Porcentaje de la cultivacià ³n de la coca à rea de cultivacià ³n. (hectà ¡reas) Valor de coca exportada (USD) Bolivia 45 70,000 3 billà ³n Perà º 45 260,000 1.5 billà ³n Colombia 8 27,000 3 billà ³n Hopkinson, Nicholas: Fighting Drugs: Trafficking in the Americans and Europe Wilton Park Papers: London: August 1991:Pà ¡gina 2 Bibliografà ­a. Libros / artà ­culos consultados: Grinspoon, Lester and Bakalar, James B: 1970: Cocaine: A drug and its social evolution. New York: Basic Book Publishers. Hopkinson, Nicholas: 1991: Fighting Drugs: Trafficking in the Americans and Europe. London: Wilton Park Papers, no. 43. Jorgensen, Steen, et al:1992: Bolivias Answer to Poverty, Economic Crisis and Adjustment: The Emergency Social Fund (World Bank Regional Sectoral Studies) Kurtz-Phelan, Daniel: 22/9/2005: Coca is everything here: hard truths about Bolivias drug war. US: World Policy Journal. Leons, Madeline Barbara and Sanabria, Harry (ed): 1997: Coca, Cocaine and Bolivian Reality. New York: State University of New York Press. Malamud Goti, Jaime E.: 2004: Humo y espejos. Editores del puerto: lugar desconocido. McNicoll, Andrà ©: 1983: Drug Trafficking: A North-South Perspective. Ottawa: The North-South Institute. Painter, James:1994: Bolivia and Coca: A Study in Dependency. CO, USA: Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc. Reyes Gerado :12/13/2005: Cuestionan cifras optimistas sobre flujo de drogas a EEUU: El Nuevo Herald. Mirtenbaum, Josà ©: La lucha por la despenalizacià ³n de la coca: 2005: 21/2/2006: Rodrà ­guez, Alejandro: Bolivia: Who is EvoMorales?: Left Green Weekly: 21/2/2006:

Friday, January 17, 2020

Reconciliation Of Personal, Cultural, Organizational And Ethical Values Essay

The values and ethics people carry in their personal and professional life are important determinants of their growth and development. The eventual success of a person is realized through self understanding and actualization and not through relentless manipulation of material resources. Successful reconciliation of personal, organizational, and cultural values and ethics require a number of strategies, some of which are discussed below Communication: Communication is requires towards establishment of rapport with each diverse group. People within a large organization differ not only from their cultural, religious, and social orientations, but also from their professional orientation and interests. These differences widen when many different functional units of an organization, with their philosophies and approach towards work, are required to undergo technology amalgamation (Harris, 1993). These differences often lead to conflicts in the personal and cultural value system, which lead to conflict at workplace, distress in personal and professional life and issues in integration with the organizational setup (ibid). Communication is the key to resolve this deadlock, without causing any antagonistic and negative feelings. People should be aware that organizations are dependent on successful coordination among number of teams and people. Hence they should try to initiate measures that would avoid projecting any conflict or confrontation in interests within the organization. They should be sensitive to each other’s ethnic, social, religious and individual backgrounds and understand their views as sum of their personal growth Sometimes people resent opinions of others, involve their ego and stop to cooperate, coordinate or understand the need to assimilate their juniors and seniors to achieve organizational goals (Swanson, 2005). A successful communication strategy shall effectively address these problems at their inception point and ensure that they do not emerge as any significant stumbling block in ideological merging of various cultural groups (Rahim, 2001). Ensuring Interconnectedness Understanding the collective responsibility and appreciation of team work and group interaction is necessary in embedding the value culture that helps in the reconciliation approach. This would help people to come out of their individual shells and get integrated with their colleagues (Harris, 1993; Rahim, 2001). Understanding inherent organizational contradictions It is important to teach people about recognizing and respecting that contradiction occurs in other people, their experience and circumstances, their view points, their ideological background and their value based system. Understanding the role of crises A timely recognition that crises and conflicts are inbuilt of component of life and progress is achieved by incorporating them in the philosophy towards life should be able to show people that above all the things, they require harmony, and cooperation for things to successfully work (Rahim, 2001) Kinship with others The communication expert should specifically stress on building associations and help in realizing that every one is important and deserves equal respect from others. It is the first requirement of building strong and lasting bonds within any organization. When people are organized in teams, they share similar goals and they work towards joint growth and development (Harris, 1993; Rahim, 2001). Respecting the opposition. It teaches about taking opposition as constructive contradiction, instead of viewing it in negative perspective. A constructive opposition always helps in finding out mistakes in one’s own approach, rectify them and move ahead successfully. Negotiation: An important aspect of communication management is negotiation which has become important within organizational and social setups. As. Negotiation, requires interested parties to trade proposals for settlement. Generally the process of negotiation proceeds through motives that are competitive, integrative, cooperative and composite (Levy, 1999) . The approach of communication in the entire process of negotiation is concerned with the messages that are transferred among negotiators and the concerned parties. Reconciliation of Ethics Business and ethics are always considered opposite to each other. The general conception of business is that it is a commercial activity with aims to earn maximum income and maximize profit where levels of deceit, subterfuge, and conceit are much higher than socially seen or found (Swanson, 2005). However, this concept of business is archaic and medieval. Today, most of the businesses have developed their own philosophies, which although not exactly philanthropic, but contains a broad social and human vision, and attempts to see business activities as integral part of comprehensive human functions. Modern business is as much based on cardinal principle of profit maximization as on the neo-thoughts of values, morals and ethics. The foundation of business world is on ethics of honesty and commitment where contacts are honored, promises are maintained, and rights of property are observed. Observing ethical values and practices indeed brings positive results as ethical companies face less problems, less litigation and less regulations (Guy, 1990). Corporate Values and corporate culture Ethics are not stand-alone concepts or abstract morals that are hung on wall for ocular delights. They are values and best practices that should be embedded in the working culture that corporations, in their attempts to promote business ethics and best practices, should ensure that their employees are well aware of the values and principles that the corporation aims to pursue. The concept of organizational culture has emerged as most enduring and successful business concept in the ethical dimensions (Bjerke,1999). Business managers, academicians, and corporate leaders all agree that organizational culture as a part of business strategy is crucialfor a firm to maintain and sustain the high standards of operation, decision making and future planning while ensuring expansion, innovation, and entrepreneurship (Oden, 1997). The role of organizational culture, in promoting ethical behavior and establishing organization wide accepted norms and working principles is paramount and it is recognized in the corporate quarters, that evolving a healthy organizational culture is probably the best method to create ethical, value based, principled and visionary business practices (Swanson, 2005). Modifying Organizational behavior An organization is a product of the values and ethics its employees carry in and employ to attain the organization’s goal. The eventual success of an organization is realized not through manipulation of material resources, but on the ability of the organization to understand the human factor involved with it. This led to the concept of the organizational behavior (OB) that studies the human behavior in the organizations to help employees develop a better work related understanding of their surrounding, their co-workers and eventually about themselves. Today organizational behavior is seen as an powerful tool that is necessary for one’s career development and success in a complex and dynamic organizational process. The essence of organizational behavior is people. It attempts to understand their aspirations, hopes, personal and professional ambitions, desire for accomplishments, all set in the dynamic context of globalization, modernity, diversity, pressure of managing home and work, electronic and communication revolutions and continuously changing aspects of business and industry that raise new and unpredictable challenges and responsibilities to the management and consequently to the workers (Harris, 1993). Organizational Culture. While the employees’ individual values and ethics define their personal approach to work and workplace, there are some shared values and modalities of behavior that each of them reflects when working together. This shared notion of values and ethics that endemic to an organization is called as the Organization’s culture. Basically organizational culture is defined as system of shared values, beliefs, actions and best practices that evolve within an organization and determine the behavior of each of its member. While organizational behavior may remain same across multiple organizations, organization’s culture is typically particular to the organization and no two organizations may share the exactly same organizational culture Managing Diversity An organization that doesn’t understands or values diversity, doesn’t understand its employees. Diversity is an inherent part of human society. It becomes more important when globalization has made organizational employees lineup multi-cultural, with people from different religious beliefs, ethnic backgrounds and culture working together towards same goals and missions. Therefore it is vital that the organization values their diversity while integrating them as part of its own culture. Conclusion There is little disagreement on the challenges and difficulties in bringing about a complete reconciliation of all the elements discussed in this essay and some difference is bound to exist. However, the increasingly multi-cultured and multi-valued landscape of the world has its own coping strategies and requirements. Globalization has narrowed down the divides that formerly allowed separated existence. Today’s world is culturally congested and value crowded, where every person must create a harmony to maintain a secular balance and growth. References Bjerke, B. 1999. Business Leadership and Culture: National Management Styles in the Global Economy. Publisher: Edward Elgar. Cheltenham, England. Guy, M. E. 1990. Ethical Decision Making in Everyday Work Situations. Publisher: Quorum Books. Place of Publication: Westport, CT. Harris, T. A. 1993. Applied Organizational Communication: Perspectives, Principles, and Pragmatics. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Hillsdale, NJ. Levy, G. M. 1999. Resolving real estate disputes. Real Estate Issues; Chicago; Oden, H. W. 1997. Managing Corporate Culture, Innovation and Intrapreneurship. Quorum Books. Westport, CT. Rahim, M. A (2001), Managing Conflict in Organizations. Contributors: M. Afzalur: Quorum Books. Westport, CT Swanson, D. L. 2005. Business Ethics Education at Bay: Addressing a Crisis of Legitimacy. Journal Title: Issues in Accounting Education. Volume: 20. Issue: 3. Page Number: 247+.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Essay Skylock in Shakespeare´s Merchant of Venice Villian

One of the earliest idioms taught to students of all ages is â€Å"Don’t judge a book by its cover.† Oftentimes, a quote like that can easily be disregarded, however, it is applicable to people who aren’t always who they seem to be. Shakespeare’s play the Merchant of Venice is an outstanding work that contains a very strange villain in Shylock, who is hated by all, although he has not wronged them in the past. Thusly, his habits and personality evolved from his interactions with the Venetian populous. By examining the changes Shylock displays in tone, Shylock the villain’s motivations can be seen and ultimately display that no matter how twisted a person is or may seem, the motivations behind their actions indicate that innately they have a†¦show more content†¦This correlates almost directly to how most of the other major characters of Merchant of Venice also treat him (e.g. Antonio). However, as is with most cases, there are two sides to each story. To understand the motivation behind Shylock’s obsession with money, the beginning of the play has to be referenced. In Shylock’s negotiations with Bassanio and Antonio, Shylock recalls, â€Å"Signior Antonio, many a time and oft in the Rialto you have rated me about my moneys and my usances†¦ You call me misbeliever, cutthroat dog and spet upon my Jewish gabardine†¦ You called me dog; and for these courtesies I’ll lend you thus much moneys?† (1.3.104-126). From this passage, Shylock’s motivations are presented clearly. He loathes Antonio for how poorly he has treated him in the past, insulting both his character and his religion. Therefore, the motivating factor in lending money to Bassanio is so Shylock has the ability to hold some form of power over Antonio. Therein lies the key to Shylock’s obsession with wealth. In the referenced Venetian culture, Jewish people were persecuted for their religion and were branded uns avory by the predominantly Christian community. Shylock, being ridiculed and domineered his whole life by his Christian counterparts, saw an opportunity to finally even the odds and jumped at it. Shylock clings onto his wealth because it is the only thing that gives him power in Venetian

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

In The Stories Of Eva Luna By Isabel Allende - 1776 Words

In the unique position of being both related to the Marxist president whose reign preceded that of Augusto Pinochet, and a woman in an increasingly gender-sensitive society, Isabel Allende witnessed much of the tragedy that befell Latin America in the late 1900’s. Allende made it her task to combine elements of the magical and absurd with her own struggles, and those of society under oppressive rule and stereotypes. She ultimately acted as an influential supporter of women’s empowerment, and she harnessed this desire for equality and strength through her own literary work. In her 1989 collection of short stories entitled The Stories of Eva Luna, she takes a peculiar, yet transcendent stance on the reality of women’s lives within the†¦show more content†¦However, by way of the crippling two words that she whispers to him, the power that was thought to lie in the figure of the Colonel comes to lie entirely in the more prudent Belisa. Similarly, in the stor y, â€Å"If You Touched My Heart,† Amadeo Peralta has complete control of Hortesina, locking her up in a cell for his aesthetic pleasure and, â€Å"because he felt like it.† (66) But by the end of the story, the same exchange of power plays out, with Peralta now in a cell and Hortesina observing, healthy and well, from the outside. The same external, intergender powerplay is found in many of the stories in this collection. Additionally, a theme of agony and despair penetrates these stories, and characters find themselves in situations they have little control over. In â€Å"The Gold of Tomas Vargas,† Antonia Sierra is a young woman married to Tomas Vargas, a miser in matters of family and a quarreling spender in matters of personal interest. By the time she was 40, she, â€Å"had hardly a tooth left in her head, her once audacious body had been ruined by work, births and miscarriages† (51). 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